
Congratulations to Xianghui, Moran and Kobi whose papers were accepted for publication in ICSEE-2018

Congratulations to Xianghui whose paper was accepted for publication in ICSEE-2018:
X. Wang, J. Benesty, I. Cohen and J. Chen, “Broadband Superdirective Beamforming with a Random Steering Vector,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering, ICSEE-2018, Eilat, Israel, Dec. 12-14, 2018 (invited paper).

Congratulations to Moran and Kobi whose paper was accepted for publication in ICSEE-2018:
M. Davoodi, Y. Buchris and I. Cohen, “Analysis of White Light Speckle Imaging,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering, ICSEE-2018, Eilat, Israel, Dec. 12-14, 2018.